
Carleton-North York

Branch Executive

President/NBSRT Director: John Irvine

1st Vice-President/NBSRT Director: Nancy Dickson

2nd Vice-President: Sharon Morrison

Branch email: carleton_ny.branch@nbsrt.org



Secretary: Heidi Stephenson

Treasurer: Robina Sharkey

Past President: John Wetmore

Next Branch Election: Spring 2024

Latest Branch News

Congratulations and Thank You

CONGRATULATIONS to the Woodstock Planning Committee for . . .

NBSRT AGM Schedule

Available now . . .

2022 AGM “Is a Go”

Carleton-North York is excited to be hosting the first AGM since 2019. Can you believe it's been three years since the last in-person AGM? Woodstock is the place to be on May 10th and 11th to get brought up-to-date and to have some fun. Click on the "Details &...

Save The Date

Make sure that you save this important date . . .

Don’t Miss It

Don't Miss It Some members have had important messages from NBSRT sent to SPAM, JUNK, or BULK MAIL folders by their email software. To reduce the chances of missing an email from the President, or about important issues such as the upcoming pension webcast from...

SPOT Light – February 2021

James Page loves to see a rough woodworking project transformed into something unique and beautiful, including a grand . . .

SPOT Light – January 2021

“The most rewarding experience for me was winning three gold medals when I competed in the Canadian Masters in Toronto in 2017 ..."Learn more about Carleton-North York's nationally acclaimed athlete ... Ross Belyea Previous SPOTLight Editions: Trisha Robinson...

A Little Bit of Sunshine

A LITTLE BIT OF SUNSHINE - During the month of December, the Branch’s Sunshine and Remembrance Committee members coordinate the purchase and delivery of gifts and cards to retired members who are shut-in or are in assisted living facilities.  This year’s contacts will...

Happy Memories

HAPPY MEMORIES - A bus filled with happy faces from Carleton-North York Branch left for the McAdam Train Christmas Tour in November of last year.  Those taking the Tour enjoyed the visit to the heritage railway station as they viewed its spectacular and varied...

Welcome Visits

WELCOME VISITS - The Carleton-North York Branch continues to reach out to its members despite the current coronavirus epidemic.  Jill Craig, Past President, coordinated a program to make use of the wellness grant from the NBSRT.  Six Branch members dropped off items...

Branch Photo Gallery

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